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Module Not Found Can T Resolve Semantic Ui React

then bind it with a select


Montrell Jubilee


@mazer-rakham Screen Shot 2019-04-11 at 5.00.39 PM

I am trying to upload a photo to show what I have so afr

Montrell Jubilee


Any help to upload photo

i jus tuse print screen and paste

and then you can screen shot just areas of your screen

Montrell Jubilee


I want to change the height of semantics dropdown in react. How should I solve this problem?

With a class or jsx styling attribute

I am using semantic-ui-react with ReactJs.Net

basically react is rendered server side and I have an error in the semantic-ui-react min file

Hi all, I have started to look at stardust-ui as a base for my own components library.
My problem is that it seems that my tree has to contain a ThemeProvider , in order to render stardust-ui components,
But each ThemeProvider - adds another wrapping node to the DOM, so that if I wrap each component in a ThemeProvider, the DOM will be really large....
Why is that - and is there a way to avoid it?

@revik Can you just wrap the whole app in one ThemeProvider component, like <ThemeP><App /></ThemeP>

I have never used stardust so i dunno how it works

@mazer-rakham This is not my use case - I want other users to consume my lib, and to not worry about the implementation details - so not to be aware of what it the lib I'm using, and consume each component in my lib separately.

@revik ahhh i get it now.

Oleksandr Fediashov


@revik Stardust UI has own channel on Gitter: :) And you can do <Provider as={React.Fragment} /> if I correctly understand your needs :)

@layershifter That's exactly what I meant :)! thanks a lot!

Any idea when next release is coming?



hi guys,

I make the table, sortable using the code below.
Is it possible for me to:

  1. don't apply sortable on "like & delete columns" ?
  2. vertical line between "like & delete columns", not look really nice, wanna remove it
                                                      <Table                      unstackable                      striped                      sortable>                    ...                    </Table>                                                

the table looks like this:

thank you

Pedro Vanzella


Asking here again because I think the other room might be the wrong one:
Is there a way to add semantic-ui-css to a single React component? I'm transitioning a codebase to React, and if I import 'semantic-ui-css/semantic.css in any component file, all our CSSs are overriden. This is with Rails and webpacker, by the way

@levithomason @layershifter Are there any plans to add a Table component to the stardust-ui/react library? (I'm asking here because I suspect the dedicated stardust channel is not very active..)

Jessica Poe


Hello! Can someone tell me if there is a way to change the hover color of an item on a Menu?

@PhantasPants_twitter There sure is. You can use styled components or just override the css.
Something like this perhaps.

                              .ui                .button                .color                .change                button                :hover                {                                      background-color:                      teal                      !important                                      ; }                          

Then import the rule via className inside <Button> -->

            <Button              className="ui.button.color.change">              Button              </Button>          

Tom Fulcher


Hi all just trying to do something super simple and pass a data attribute down to an input

unfortunately it passes it down to the wrapper div instead of the actual input

is there a way around this?

<Input data-somedata="hi"/>

turns in to

<div data-somedata="hi" ...>
<input type="text" .../>

Tom Fulcher


turns out if you look at the semantic source if you pass an input inside an <Input> semantic UI react will use the standard react input and merge props

e.g. <Input placeholder="dude"><input data-moo="honk"/></Input>

Oleksandr Fediashov


@pennylanemini_twitter Another way is to use shorthand: <Input placeholder='Search...' input={{ 'data-value': 'bar' }} />

mehmet salih bindak


Hi! I am currently build a React powered web site with semantic ui.
I will also make a react-native mobile app version of this site.

I search but can't find anything about semantic-ui for react native.

Can I use same package and components in react-native also?

Hey y'all! I am using the button group provided by semantic - and I noticed that onclick for that doesn't work on Safari - any one have experienced the same thing/ know how to get around that? I went on the Semantic website on Safari and it doesn't even work there, so it doesn't have to do with my implementation (or I think so).

Matt Goodwin


Hi, I am building a responsive web app with react and I am enjoying using Semantic UI React, however, the interactable UI elements like Button, Menu.Item etc, don't seem to have a good "active" state on mobile. In other words, when I tap the item in safari on iOS, the UI element doesn't reflect my interaction with a background or opacity change etc. Any tips or should I look elsewhere for a UI framework for mobile-first?

I'm having build issues with version 0.87.0, best as I can tell it's due to this change: Semantic-Org/Semantic-UI-React#3566 - adding 'browser' field in the package.json. Now I get couple errors like this:
Module not found: Error: Can't resolve 'React' in '[redacted]/node_modules/semantic-ui-react/dist/umd'

Hi, is there a way to get the react-semantic-ui docs? looks like the page is down rigth now

Oleksandr Fediashov


@mbakiev build issues were fixed in 0.87.1, thanks for the report

@Jeirsen you can clone git repo and then run them locally by yarn && yarn start

However, docs site is working as I see. Checked recently in Chrome & FF

Ohh i see @layershifter thank you i will

Hi guys, what's the best way to implement <Sticky /> component to create a sticky header for the top row of a grid?

Module Not Found Can T Resolve Semantic Ui React
