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What to Say to a Manager Who Is Leaving

During your career, there may come a time when you need to leave your current employer. Whether you are leaving to accept an offer with another company or you need to take a break in your career for a personal reason, a goodbye letter allows you to formally thank your boss for the time and experience they have given you.

Knowing how to write a professional goodbye letter to your current boss and when to send it to them can help you maintain the connection you have built with them, which can increase their willingness to write you a letter of recommendation or give you a referral. In this article, we discuss how to write a professional goodbye letter to your current boss with tips, a template and an example.

What is a goodbye letter?

A goodbye letter is a formal document you write intending to thank your boss for the time, knowledge and experiences they have shared with you throughout your employment. Goodbye letters are not the same thing as resignation letters. The purpose of a resignation letter is to formally inform your employer of your intent to end your employment, while the purpose of a goodbye letter is to thank your boss and offer your contact information so you can maintain your connection and wish them well.

Related: How to Give Two Weeks' Notice (With Examples)

When to send a goodbye letter to your boss

You should send a goodbye letter to your boss after you have submitted your formal resignation letter and before your employment officially ends. Many people send their goodbye letter to their boss on their last day of work once they have finished the tasks they had remaining, but you can also send a goodbye letter any time leading up to your last day. When possible, it is best to send your goodbye letter a day or two before your last day so your boss has time to respond, ask questions and say goodbye in person if they want to.

Related: Guide: Goodbye Email to Colleagues (With Examples)

How to write a goodbye letter to your boss

Follow these steps to write a goodbye letter to your current boss:

  1. Begin with a professional salutation.
  2. Remind them of your last day.
  3. Express your appreciation.
  4. Offer your best wishes.
  5. Include your contact information.
  6. Close the letter.

1. Begin with a professional salutation

Every goodbye letter should begin with a professional salutation followed by the recipient's name. It is usually best to use a simple salutation such as "Dear Mr./Mrs./Ms. [ last name ] ." If you have built a close relationship with your boss and you usually address them by their first name, it may also be appropriate to do so in your goodbye letter. In this case, you can use a salutation such as "Hello [ first name ] ."

2. Remind them of your last day

After your opening, a great way to begin your message is to remind your boss of your last day. Since you are giving the letter to your boss after you have submitted your formal resignation letter, your boss should know when your last day is. You can use a statement such as "As you know, my last day with [ name of company ] is [ today, tomorrow, etc. ] ."

3. Express your appreciation

Use the second paragraph of your goodbye letter to thank your boss and express your appreciation for the time you have spent working with them. Since you are writing this letter directly to your boss, it is best to personalize this section by discussing the specific impact they have had on your career. Try to think of particular skills they have taught you or ways they have inspired you to succeed.

4. Offer your best wishes

Even though you are leaving the company, it is polite to offer your boss, team and the company your best wishes for their continued success. Stating your wishes for their continued success despite your departure is a great way to ensure you leave on good terms.

5. Include your contact information

After you offer your boss and the company your best wishes, provide your contact information so the two of you can maintain a connection after you leave. You can use a simple line such as "I look forward to continuing to work together" or "I would love to remain in contact." Then, include your personal cell phone number or email address.

6. Close the letter

Finally, close the letter with a polite closing salutation and then sign your name below. If you are sending your boss a physical letter, it is best to sign your name by hand even if you type and print the letter. You can use a closing such as "Thank you again" or "Best wishes."

Related: Giving a Farewell Speech at Work (With Tips and Examples)

Goodbye letter to boss template

Use the following template to help you write a professional goodbye letter to your current boss:

Dear [ name of your boss ] ,

As you know, [ today, tomorrow or specific time-frame ] is my last day working for [ name of company ] as a [ title of your current position ] . While I am sad to be leaving [ name of company ] , I am excited about the new experiences and opportunities awaiting me [ include the specific name of new company, where you or moving, or the reason you are leaving if you choose to disclose this information ] .

I want to express my appreciation for [ reason you are thankful for your boss ] . [ Include a specific example of the reason you are thankful for your boss. ] I would not have been able to accomplish all the things I have without your encouragement, support and guidance during my time here.

I wish you and the entire team continued success. It would mean a lot to me for us to maintain contact after I leave. You can contact me at [ personal phone number, email address or both ] . Thank you again for all that you've done.

Best wishes,

[ Your name ]

Download Goodbye Letter Template
To upload the template into Google Docs, go to File > Open > and select the correct downloaded file.

Example goodbye letter to boss

The following example shows a completed goodbye letter to a boss using the template from above:

"Dear Ms. Clements,

As you know, tomorrow is my last day working for Premier Marketing Solutions as a senior copywriter. While I am sad to be leaving, I am excited about the new experiences and opportunities awaiting me in my new role as a content manager.

I want to express my appreciation for the lessons you have taught me over the past five years. Above all else, you have taught me how to be a great leader and mentor. Having you as my manager has had such a positive impact on my professional development and career. I would not have been able to accomplish all the things I have at Premier Marketing Solutions without your continued encouragement, support and guidance throughout my time here.

I wish you and the entire team continued success and can't wait to see the great things you continue to achieve. It would mean a lot to me for us to maintain contact after I leave. You can contact me on my cell phone at 588-223-1234 or at my personal email Thank you again for all that you've done.

Best wishes,

Dakota Johnson"

Tips for writing a goodbye letter to your boss

Here are a few general tips to remember when writing a goodbye letter to your current boss:

Be sincere

When choosing the reasons you're appreciative of your boss it is important to make sure you are choosing things they have really done. The best way to show your genuine appreciation in a goodbye letter is to include a specific example of how your boss has impacted your professional growth or development.

Make it positive

The purpose of a goodbye letter is to ensure you leave your current position in a positive way and to create an opportunity to remain connected to your boss after you leave. It is important to make sure everything you say in your goodbye letter is positive and professional. Remember that this is your last chance to leave your boss with a good impression of you.

Keep it concise

It is best to keep your goodbye letter short and simple. Briefly state the reason you are most thankful for the time you have spent in your position, offer your best wishes and contact information and then close the letter. Most goodbye letters are no longer than two to three short paragraphs in length.

What to Say to a Manager Who Is Leaving
