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9 Cycles With Birth Planets Then Starts Again Numerology?

This story is from June ii, 2014

Planets and Numbers Numerology

There are simply nine Planets in our Solar System and only ix numbers on which all material calculations are b...Read More than

There are just nine Planets in our Solar System and just nine numbers on which all material calculations are based. Each planet rules on a particular sign of the twelve Zodiac Signs and has a specific private characteristic, vibration, trait that influences the person born under its ruler send. Each planet is also allotted a number.
The Nine Planets, their Zodiac signs, Corresponding Numbers and Elements.

Mars 9 +ve Aries Fire Tuesday Ram
Venus 6+ve Taurus Earth Friday Balderdash
Mercury v+ve Gemini Air Wednesday Twins
Moon two-ve, vii+ve Cancer H2o Mon Crab
Sunday 1+ve, 4-ve Leo Fire Sunday Lion
Mercury v-ve Virgo Earth Wednesday Virgin
Venus 6-ve Libra Air Friday Rest
Mars 9-ve Scorpio H2o Tuesday Scorpion
Jupiter 3+ve Saggitarius Burn down Thursday Archer
Saturn 8+ve Capricorn Air Saturday Goat
8-ve Acquarius Earth Saturday Water
Jupiter 3-ve Pisces Water Thursday Fish

The lord's day and the moon are the only two planets having 'double numbers'. The dominicus and Uranus are interrelated so is the moon and Neptune. There is a strong attraction between numbers 1-four and 2-7 and these four numbers are compatible with each other, especially if born in Cancer (21 June to 20 July) and Leo (21 July to 20 Baronial).
Numbers 7 and 4 were allotted to the moon and the sun until Neptune and Uranus were discovered. Presently, number 4 is the number of planet Uranus or Rahu (n node of the moon) that is given the ruler ship of Aquarius and number 7 is given to Neptune or Ketu (southward node of the moon) which rules Cancer in its positive aspect. The twelve signs of the Zodiac are further divided into categories: Cardinal, Fixed and Mutable. Every third sign starting from Aries is Primal, every third sign from Taurus is fixed and every 3rd sign from Gemini is Mutable. Central signs are movable signs, which means that they are easy to go on with, as they are all-around. Fixed signs are immovable, which makes them stubborn and uncompromising and unbending. Mutable Signs are flexible, which means they are ever ready to change, compromise and adjust.
CARDINAL: Aries. Cancer. Libra. Capricorn.
FIXED: Taurus. Leo. Scorpio. Aquarius.
MUTABLE: Gemini. Virgo. Sagittarius. Pisces.
Every alternate sign starting from Aries is Male (Positive) or Female person (Negative)
Male : Aries Gemini Leo Libra Sagittarius Aquarius
Female: Taurus Cancer Virgo Scorpio Capricorn Pisces.
The signs are either Fruitful, Arid or Duel:
BARREN: Aries Cancer Libra Capricorn
FRUITFUL: Taurus Leo Scorpio Aquarius
DUEL: Gemini Virgo Sagittarius Pisces.
Attributable to the passing of the lord's day from one zodiac sign to the other, vii days are given at the commencement and seven days after the stop, which is the catamenia, called 'The Cusp'. During this menstruum of the month, its qualities and vibrations are not every bit stiff as stiff as the rest of the calendar month. TheCUSP Period takes on to some extent, the qualities of the passing sign with those of the one coming into strength. Planets have a POSITIVE or NEGATIVE aspect in accordance with the period of the Zodiac they dominion.

Planets And Their Corresponding Numbers -

Dominicus 1

Numbers Given To The Days Of The Calendar week -

Sunday i-iv
Monday 2-7
Tuesday 9
Wednesday 5
Thursday iii
Friday 6
Saturday viii
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